Cybersecurity Toolkits

Encrypt Your Data Encryption is a method that transforms data from a readable format into a secured code only accessible if you have the key (passcode), which is typically randomly generated. Encryption allows for the confidential storage and transmission of data, as well as proof that it originated with the person who claims to have sent it. Encryption may not be appropriate in all situations/geographies. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Journalists Toolkit. Control Access Limiting access to network based resources, restricting user permissions and switching off unused/old access routes allows users to function effectively whilst minimising routes in for attack. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Elections Toolkit. Configure Securely Detailed guidance and instructions on how to securely configure your systems from the Center for Internet Security. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Elections Toolkit. Prevent Phishing & Malware Installing Anti Virus and ad/pop-up blockers help protect against accidentally downloading viruses and malicious software from the Internet. Quad9 blocks access to websites known to harbour malicious threats. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Small Business, Journalists and Elections Toolkits. Protect Your Email and Reputation The majority of cyber attacks start with a phishing email - Deploying DMARC helps stop others impersonating you or your organisation on email and prevents fraudsters gaining access to your systems by pretending to be from a trusted email address. Please also review the DMARC category on this forum. This toolbox is applicable to the Small Business and Elections Toolkits. Log and Monitor Monitoring what is happening on a continual basis allows abnormalities, which could indicate the presence of an intruder, to be identified and acted upon. This toolbox is applicable to the Elections Toolkit. Beyond Simple Passwords This section explains the importance of using strong unique passwords for each account, adding a second layer of protection through 2 factor authentication and options for storing multiple complex passwords securely with password managers. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Small Business, Journalists and Elections Toolkits. Know What You Have You can not protect what you do not know you have - assets and inventory. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Small Business, Journalists and Elections Toolkits. Backup and Recover Regular backing up of data helps ensure recovery from a cyber attack (as well as from flooding and theft) with minimal loss of data. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Small Business, Journalists and Elections Toolkits. Update Your Defenses Timely application of security patches and updates are key for continued protection against attack. This toolbox helps ensure your systems are set to apply these automatically. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Small Business, Journalists and Elections Toolkits. Communicate Securely Communicating securely is always important but particularly critical when sensitive or confidential subject matter is being transferred. Appropriate use of these tools will help secure communications but may not be appropriate in all situations/geographies. Drop down the tags to identify the tool you wish to discuss. Please check existing topics before creating a new one. This toolbox is applicable to the Journalists Toolkit.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 762 August 15, 2019
4 639 September 17, 2023
1 410 March 4, 2022
2 629 December 10, 2021
0 478 November 8, 2021
1 693 July 7, 2021
1 625 July 7, 2021
0 961 April 9, 2020
0 830 July 24, 2020
0 896 June 5, 2020
0 796 April 9, 2020
0 717 June 5, 2020
0 714 June 5, 2020
0 850 March 26, 2020
0 788 June 6, 2020
0 820 March 19, 2020
0 522 February 25, 2021
1 646 February 24, 2021
3 578 February 23, 2021
2 592 December 16, 2020
1 579 November 20, 2020
0 553 November 4, 2020
0 682 November 4, 2020
0 885 November 4, 2020
1 571 October 21, 2020
1 682 October 14, 2020
2 958 October 14, 2020
0 547 October 6, 2020
0 552 October 6, 2020
3 673 September 30, 2020