Half of the US Hospitals Shut Down Networks Due To Ransomware

The healthcare industry has been under the spotlight since before the pandemic but has gotten more attention within the past 18 months with the rise of Ransome attacks. 48% of U.S. hospital executives reported either a forced or proactive shutdown in the last 6 months (first half of 2021). This is an alarming number for U.S. Hospitals.

The report finds that:

  1. Midsize hospitals feeling more pain - While large hospitals reported an average shutdown time of 6.2 hours at a cost of $21,500 per hour while midsize hospitals averaged nearly 10 hours at more than double the cost of $45,700 per hour.

  2. Cybersecurity investment is not a high priority - more than 60% of hospital IT teams have “other’’ spending priorities and less than 11% say cybersecurity is a high priority spend.

  3. Dangerous Vulnerabilities Still Not Dealt With - 52% of respondents admitted their hospitals were not protected against some of the most popular attacks.

  4. Lack of automation creates gaps in security - 65% of IT teams in hospitals rely on manual methods for inventory calculations with 7% still in full manual mode.

  5. Is there a staffing disconnect? - While 2/3 of IT teams believe they are adequately staffed for cybersecurity, more than half of Biomed teams believe more staff is needed.

  6. Cyber insurance and compliance are popular options - 58% of IT teams consider compliance “almost always” and rate it a high impact on their jobs. Similarly, 58% also said they had cyber insurance.

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